As kids, Lenny (Sandler), Eric (James), Kurt (Rock), Marcus (Spade) and Rob (Schneider) were team mates that played and won the little league basketball championship. The years pass and the group are now grown ups and will reunite again to attend the funeral to pay respect for the man that mentored and guided them to their championship, the Coach. Together again and with their families for the duration of the weekend, they are reminded of some of the lessons that were taught them as kids about teamwork and friendship, hoping they can pass it along to their children.
Reel Talk:
I was a little hoodwinked on this movie, because I thought with this all star comedic cast, that this would be one fall out hilariously funny movie. Not saying that this is not a funny movie, but just not as funny as I thought it could have been. It really seemed as if Sandler chose to tame down his antics a bit, which is not usual for him, considering that he is normally over the top with his humor. Still it was a well balanced good movie with a great cast, even down to the cameos. The one thing I will say about Sandler is that he does take care of his friends by continuing to put them in his movies, consistently.
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, Rob Schneider, Salma Hayek and Maria Bello
Directed by: Dennis Dugan
Rated: PG-13
I give it 3 and a half corn dogs
By: Corndog – The Reel Hustler