Hannibal Smith (Neeson) heads up a Special Forces team consisting of Lt. Peck aka Faceman (Cooper), BA Baracus (Jackson) and the psychologically challenged Murdock (Copley) and while their methods are a bit unorthodox, they have the highest success rate in their division. But when the team is set up and convicted of a crime that they did not commit, Hannibal must put a plan together to free his team and seek out the brains behind the scam so that they can be cleared of the bogus crime. Hot in pursuit of the team is the mysterious CIA Agent Lynch (Wilson) and military policewoman Charisa Sosa (Biel) who is a former jilted lover of Faceman who are determined to recapture the foursome by any means necessary.
Reel Talk:
I have to be honest and admit that going to see remakes is like gambling to me, you just don’t know how it’s going to turn out because some of them are downright horrible. So I was really on the fence about this remake about the early 80’s TV series about The A-Team, but to my surprise this was a good movie. Action packed from beginning to end, lacking any dullness at all. One of my biggest concerns was how were the newer cast going to compare to the charismatic crew from the series and the replacements rose to the occasion with flying colors, with the surprising performances from Jackson and Copley who had the harder roles to portray. This is a great must see movie.
Starring: Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson, Sharlto Copley, Jessica Biel, Patrick Wilson, Gerald McRaney and Brian Bloom.
Directed by: Joe Carnahan
Rated: PG-13
I give it 5 corn dogs
By: Corndog – The Reel Hustler

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