Love birds Peter (MacArthur) and Alison (Hendricks) tried to hook up their two best friends Holly (Heigl) and Eric or Messer (Duhamel) as he likes to be called with hopes that romantic sparks would fly between them. But instead the two because of their opposing characteristics, hers being straight forth and prudence and his being a fly by night womanizer, don’t even go on their first date. When an unfortunate accident claims the life of Peter and Alison, their two friends are shocked to realize that the couple left them as the legal guardians to raise their little baby girl Sophie. They are left to wonder first why did they get stuck with the child, then why the two of them together and what must they do to make it work so that they honor their friends’ wishes?
Reel Talk:
Honestly this was a good movie, I mean it’s most definitely a date movie but it is a pretty good one. It offers a variety of elements (comedy, sadness, drama) which keeps you interested. The plot is pretty predictable and is by no means original, but Heigl and Duhamel along with Josh Lucas offer freshness to the film as well as the adorable Clagett girls Alexis, Brynn and Brook as Sophie. Good movie, well worth the admission for a date.
Starring: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Hayes MacArthur, Christina Hendricks, Alexis, Brynn and Brooke Clagett
Directed by: Greg Berlanti
Rated: PG-13
I give it 3 corn dogs
By: Corndog – The Reel Hustler

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