In this sequel of the 2006 horror movie Hatchet, Marybeth (Harris) narrowly escapes with her life from the Louisiana swamp legend murderer Victor Crowley (Hodder). But before her escape, she is told to seek the help of Rev. Voodoo (Todd) so that she can find out her family’s involvement surrounding the origination of the legend of Victor Crowley. Upon meeting Rev. Voodoo she wants two things 1) to learn the secret regarding her family and 2) That he assist her and return to the swamp to retrieve the remains of her father and brother. When he agrees he assembles a team of hunters led by no non-sense tracker and sharp shooter named Trent (Mihailoff) to hunt down the murdering monster and rid the area of the curse.
Reel Talk:
As most of you may know I am a hard critic of horror movies. Well with Hatchet II, although it offers nothing new to the horror realm, it does fill a void left by the Friday the 13 or Halloween series genre of horror. Director and writer Adam Green can easily franchise a few more films off the Victor Crowley character putting the Hatchet series right along with the others. As I mentioned don’t expect anything new, but it is entertaining and will satisfy the appetite of gore heads in need of blood and guts. This movie is only being shown at AMC Theatres and is unrated. But parental discretion is strongly advised.
Be sure to check out my interview with R.A. Mihailoff who plays Trent.
Starring: Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, R.A. Mihailoff, Parry Shen and Tom Holland
Directed by: Adam Green
I give it 3 corn dogs
By: Corndog – The Reel Hustler

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