Robert Downey Jr. reprises his role as the egotistical billionaire Tony Starks who double duties as Iron Man in this sequel to the 2008 blockbuster Iron Man movie. This time around Starks has several fights on his hands as the Senate is trying to seize control of his iron suit so that the Army can mass produce the suit as a weapon for the U.S. military to be spearheaded by his competitor Justin Hammer (Rockwell). Then there is the revenge stricken Ivan Vanko (Rourke) who believes that the Stark empire was built from ideas stolen from his dad, so he sets out to destroy Iron Man by creating his own powerful weapon. With all this going on he is trying to cope with the idea that he is on the verge of dying from the same power source that saved his life which is now poisoning his body. His friends Pepper Pots (Paltrow) and Lt. Col. James Rhodes (Cheadle), unaware of what is going on in Stark’s life, attempt to take steps to try keeping him from having a complete breakdown, even to the point of Rhodes taking his spare iron suit only to become his future sidekick War Machine.
Reel Talk:
The two year wait is over and the highly anticipated Iron Man sequel is here. With mostly all the original players with the exception of Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard as the sidekick Rhodes, everyone picked up where they left off in the 1st film. Downey as the spoiled and ego driven Starks, still put in a good performance, although it did become tiresome watching him being a self centered prick the whole movie. Rourke as the menacing Vanko, continues to show that he still got some acting life left in him and Rockwell was great as the conniving Hammer. Strange that this film is 2 minutes shorter than the original but appears a lot longer. There are a few scenes that could have hit the editing floor easily. The special effects and action has been impressively increased, which is what the comic book gluttons want. Overall, not the best sequel movie but it is a very good entertaining film worthy of the admission. Be sure to stay through the credits if you are interested in the hint for the next installment in the Iron Man adventures.
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, Jon Favreau and Samuel L. Jackson
Directed by: Jon Favreau
Rated: PG-13
I give it 3 corn dogs
By: Corndog – The Reel Hustler

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