This movie chronicles the events in the lives of three Brooklyn police officers, there's Eddie (Gere) who is retiring in 7 days and just wants to get through it but reluctantly must train a couple of new recruits and there is Sal (Hawke) a high strung, cash strapped officer who will do anything including murder to get the money needed to upgrade the living conditions for his wife and kids. Then there is Tango (Cheadle) who is so deep undercover that he doesn't know which way to turn, with his wife divorcing him and the pressure from the brass to set up his drug dealing best friend Caz (Snipes) who was just recently released from jail, he only wants to get off the assignment and reorganize his life. Although the three have different agendas through out the film, they all wind up in the same vicinity for the climactic ending.
Reel Talk:
This movie reminded me a lot of another one of Cheadles' movie the blockbuster 'Crash' where you have a host of people that there lives are eventually centered toward coming together at the end of the film. But make no mistake, this is no way close to being as good as Crash. Not even the re-teaming of director Antoine Fuqua and actor Ethan Hawke who worked together on 'Training Day' can work their magic on this one. Not that it's a bad movie but the characters or plot just doesn't mesh together and the story can become a little dull at times. Not discrediting the cast which is some of the best in the game just not a great script for them.
Starring: Richard Gere, Don Cheadle, Ethan Hawke, Wesley Snipes and Ellen Barkin
Directed by: Antoine Fuqua
Rated: R
I give it 2 and a half eaten corn dogs
By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler
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