This film is based on the true story about Henry Marrow, an African American who just returned home to his rural town in North Carolina from the war during 1970 only to be beaten and then shot to death by one of the town's bigot Robert Teel (Searcy) and his sons. This creates an even greater divide among the cultures to the point of a potential race riot brewing while the trial is taking place. It is during this time that a young Ben Chavis (Parker) becomes involved with the civil rights movement by the fiery Golden Frinks (Omilami) to help Negros to achieve equality and also Reverend Vernon Tyson (Schroder) tries to segregate his congregation by welcoming African Americans to the church.
Reel Talk:
Movies that relate to race issues are always heart wrenching because to see what people had to go through by way of humiliation, violence and death because of their skin color is disturbing. But we need movies like these to enlighten us about the way things were regarding racism and how we need to constantly make changes today. This is a must see film, I would also encourage that schools/colleges get behind this film as educational material for their students. Knowledge is power.
Starring: Nate Parker, Rick Schroder, Michael Rooker, Nick Searcy, Afemo Omilami and Lela Rochon
Directed by: Jeb Stuart
Rated: PG-13
I give it 4 corn dogs
By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler
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