In this sixth installment to the Potter series, Harry (Radcliffe) and his friends Ron Weasley (Grint) and Hermione Granger (Watson) are still attending the school for gifted wizards and also experiencing the leap to adolescence (in regards to dating). This time Harry is taking up potion lessons, when it so happens he comes across a book of potions that use to belong to The Half Blood Prince who has ties to the Dark Lord Voldermort. When Head Professor Dumledore (Gambon) enlists the assistance of Harry ,his most gifted student, to inquire information from fellow Professor Slughorn regarding the evil intentions of the Dark Lord, he realizes that the book also holds some clues that were noted by the Half Blood Prince. Harry must also deal with his nemesis Draco Malfoy (Felton) who has an agenda of evil of his own that would put him in good graces with the dark one.
Reel Talk:
Well the gangs all back for another go round as Daniel Radcliffe, who seems that he hasn't aged since the very first movie (who is he Benjamin Button?), Watson and Grint take on another adventure in the Potter series.Unlike the previous movies this one has more dialog and very little action, which it appears is the set up for the next two installments. Director David Yates who directed the previous one and is tagged for the future movies does a good job with the visual cinematography, that captivates the mystical aura that makes up the Potter story. Unfortunately it's just not enough to hold your interest unless you have read the novels and can follow along. This one has no frills or thrills and makes for a long 2 1/2 hours of a dull moviel.
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Michael Gambon, Jim Broadbent, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Alan Rickman and Tom Felton
Directed by: David Yates
Rated: PG
I give it 3 corn dogs
By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler
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