In this adaptation of Star Trek which is directed by acclaimed director J.J. Abrams, it chronicles the orgin of James T. Kirk (Pine), a rebel who thrives on trouble and danger. But when a captain from Star Fleet, who was a big admirer of Jame's dad who sacrificed his life to save the lives of his entire crew while under attack, encounters the youngster and encourages him to apply to the academy sensing he has what it takes to be a captain. Once he is accepted, it begins his quest to become the captain of the USS Enterprise along with fellow enlisted crew members Spock (Quinton), Dr. "Bones" McCoy (Urban), Uhura (Saldana), Scotty (Peg), Mr. Sulu (Cho) and Pavel Chekov (Yelchin), who set out to stop the crazed Romulan captain Nero (Bana), who has a weapon that can devour an entire planet. Being their first assignment, they are put in the most dangerous situations possible, all while they must learn what it is to be a team and the value of being friends.
Reel Talk:
Other than watching the Star Trek series as a kid (only because television shows were limited back then - damn am I telling my age?), I never got into the Star Trek movies that followed. Just didn't seem too appealing to me I guess. But it was something about the trailers for the newest one that had me interested. And can I say I was not disappointed. I like the fact that it takes you to the beginning of the very existence of the would be captain and how the crew was formed , identifying with the characters that we came to love throughout the series, even down to some of the famous quotes. It also brings Leonard Nimoy back reprising his role as Spock in the future (I heard William Shatner was upset he wasn't in it), helping the young Jim save his planet.It took me awhile to realize that Eric Bana was the evil Nero, because his make-up was applied well for his role. I really enjoyed this movie, it is full of action and gives a few laughs too. J.J. Abrams did an excellent job directing what is sure to be one of this year's blockbusters. A must see!!!
Star: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinton, Eric Bana, Leonard Nimoy, Bruce Greenwood, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Peg, John Cho and Anton Yelchin
Directed By: J.J. Abrams
Rated: PG-13
I give it 5 corndogs & a soda on the side
By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler
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