Saturday, May 30, 2009



Christine Brown (Lohman) is one of two people being considered for an assistant manager position at the bank that she works at. Having been told that she is not aggressive enough and is afraid to make the tough calls by her boss, she sets out to prove him wrong by denying an elderly Mrs. Ganus (Raver) another extension on her mortgage loan, forcing her to plead and beg Christine so that she wont be evicted from the home. Christine continues to deny her causing the older women to place a curse on the banker that will send a soul taking demon after her within three days. Christine along with her non-believing boyfriend Clay (Long) are soon tormented for the three days leading up to her demise, searching for options in avoiding the visit from the demon, including attending a ritual that is suppose to drive it back to hell without her soul.

Reel Talk:

Ok I'm still one of the biggest advocates for a good scary movie, so going into the screening for this movie I didn't know what to expect because the trailers were pretty exciting and it was directed by Sam Raimi (the Evil Dead series, Dark Man and the dark Spider-Man 3, just to name a few of his classics). Well although my void still has not been filled, Drag Me To Hell was an entertaining film. It's not scary at all, but offers more grossed out scenes that may turn a stomach or two. The story was so predictable that it left no room for the surprise element of fear. Still it made for a decent movie, that will simmer die hard horror fans' blood, but not boil it.

Starring: Alison Lohman, Justin Long, Lorna Raver, Dileep Rao and David Paymer
Directed by: Sam Raimi
Rated: PG-13

I give it 3 corn dogs

By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler

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