Daniel Craig returns as James Bond in this sequel to Casino Royale. This time Bond is on a mission of revenge, since the woman he loved was murdered during his last assignment. Despite the pleas to not make this a personal agenda by his boss M (Dench), he sets out to track a ruthless environmentalist with goals of taking over the water system in Bolivia, named Dominic Green (Amalric) who can lead him to the man that killed his lover. He soon teams up with the sexy but dangerous Camille (Kurylenko), who also wants Green to put her in touch with the brutal General of Bolivia that murdered her family. Together the two encounter death defying escapes and double dealing double crosses to get their man.
Reel Talk:
As I mentioned before when I reviewed Casino Royale, and take nothing away from Craig who I think is a good actor, but it's hard placing him in the Bond role. The charming wit and one liners, along with the flashy gadgets are missed - weren't those the things that made the agent famous? Signature watches and drinks - Gone! Previous Bonds never took anything seriously, Craig barely breaks a smile and what about the villains, they used to be charismatic as well. Now don't get me wrong the action is awesome in this film, which makes for a good action movie, but just not a good James Bond movie. So if you are an action junkie you will enjoy this one, but if you are a true Bond fan, you will probably be disappointed
Starring: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Mathieu Amalric, Judi Dench, Giancarlo Giannini and Jeffrey Wright
Directed by: Marc Forster
Rated: PG-13
I give it 3 corndogs
By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler
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