To Love or To Leave, O.M.G! If I don't hear this a million times in a week. You see even though my friends seem to think I give the best advice, this question floored me. I couldn't really give an efficient answer because honestly I'm confused myself. . .. I know . . .I know. Yes I'm confused shocking isn't it!
It got me to thinking about my young fresh ,coming into our own Twenty Something Generation and I've figured it out. Still confused but, now I have a complete understanding of why.
Now as Children we learn once burned by the hot iron never to touch again. Mentally without us even realizing our subconscious mind just won't let us touch. I believe this to be true with emotions. Once burned, dogged out, ran over, played however you want to put it. Our good friend (Subconscious Mind) is like, Hey wait a minute. I remember we did something similar to this and it had a bad effect. If we choose to ignore this and proceed we're cautious and scared. Vowing to never let ourselves be that vulnerable again.
We're geniuses we think! Building imaginary walls and creating rules which we begin to live by. Buying our first class tickets for confusion. We're ready to join the nightlife of temptation.
Often swept off our feet in love on Friday. And highly annoyed by Monday. We play games as if there's not a care in the world. Then complain to an audience that there's no one worth loving around. Time passes us with rose colored vision while everything appears to be in our favor until reality approaches. Introducing a sweet gentle kiss of a new life. Do we stand our ground holding firm to our current Supreme Single Status, or do we crumble. Breaking every rule we worked so hard to establish.
We do a dance of dozens leading on both ends. No one wanting to appear the weaker so we put our love on lockdown (Check out Kayne's latest single. The man clearly has a point).
But, love is a strange thing and resistances are weakened once you've met your match. ( F. Y. I : People, every swagged person is not your Match). The blinders come off and suddenly the road doesn't seem so confusing after all. Finally seeing that we are truly the key holders to our destiny. We began to live life as intended breaking rules and creating our own path to happiness.
I believe once we realize that each person and relationship is different and should be judged separately from any other experience. We will see that love has no particular path which to follow it's wild and spontaneous. Most importantly it's what we make it.
So Keep an open and cautious mind.
One love,
Nesha Star