Monday, May 26, 2008



Indiana Jones (Ford) is recruited by a young rebel rouser named Mutt Williams (LaBeouf) to help him find Jones' friend Professor Oxley (Hurt) and Williams' mom Marion (Allen), who happens to be Jones' long lost love from the first film. The two came up missing in their search for a missing crystal skull that possesses great power and must be returned to it's rightful owner. Of course Jones must encounter those evil Russians who are out for total supremacy, this time led by the ruthless Irina Spalko (Blanchett) who will stop at nothing to gain the power of the skull.

Reel Talk:

It's been like 19 years since the last Indiana Jones movie so yes Ford has aged a bit, ok a lot, and his slower steps do show in this movie. But taking nothing away, I think that was ingenious to show his Jones character aging on the screen, assuring us that he is human and possibly passing the torch to the younger LaBeouf, who did a great job as his new sidekick. In typical Indy fashion the action, although always unbelievable, is fast and intense. I wouldn't actually compare this film to any of the previous ones, but I will say it is enjoyable and always good seeing Harrison reprise one of the roles that makes him an acting icon.

Starring: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Shia LaBeouf, Ray Winstone and John Hurt
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Rated: PG-13

I give it 3 corndogs

By: Corndog - The Reel Hustler

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