Before Professor X he was Charles Xavier (McAvoy) and before Magneto he was Erik Lehnsherr (Fassbender). First Class takes you to the early days of the two young mutants who became friends, both with different agendas to help young CIA Agent Mactaggert (Bryne) stop a sadistic mutant named Sebastian Shaw (Bacon) from causing a global nuclear war. Because Sebastian is so powerful, Charles and Erik must recruit other young mutants so that they can combine their unique abilities, even if it means exposing themselves to humans, who most feel is their enemy.
Reel Talk:
Right off, this was a good movie! I like how it takes you back to origin of the X-Men, how they were just learning their mutant powers and how to control them to their benefit. It takes you into the indifferences that would lead to the division between Charles and Erik that would lead to their future conflicts. The story is well told and the characters, to be younger, are more menacing than the characters that are portrayed in the other X-men films. This movie even comes off a little darker than the others, especially with Erik’s deeply scarred revengeful character and Kevin Bacon as the sinister Sebastion. Overall this is a good visually enticing, solid action movie well worth checking out.
Starring: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Zoe Kravitz, January Jones and Nicholas Hoult
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Rated: PG-13
I give it 4 corn dogs
By: Corn Dog – The Reel Hustler